• Reform Zoning and Land Use: Zoning and land use should not continue to operate from a 20th century framework that has its roots in the racist 1928 Austin City Plan. We must adopt updated and equitable city planning practices that can produce housing at a rate that keeps up with Austin’s continued explosive growth.

    Proactively Fight Displacement: While our housing supply grows, we must be proactive about fighting the displacement of Austinites. We have to build towards a future where it’s possible for everyone who wants to live in this city is able to do so.

    House the Unhoused: I refuse to accept that thousands of fellow Austinites must continue to live on the streets. We need to invest in long-term solutions, especially permanent supportive housing, to work towards ending homelessness in our community.

  • Investment in Car-Free Travel: Many Austinites cannot or do not want to travel by car, and we must build a future where that does not limit their ability to live, work, and enjoy life in our community. Additionally, as our city continues to face existential climate emergencies, we must reduce the environmental impacts that are inherent with traveling by car.

    Common Sense Infrastructure: Many, many areas in District 7 are inaccessible or outright dangerous to pedestrians, bicycles, and people with disabilities. This can be changed urgently and without excessive costs, as long as we prioritize doing so.

    Support Public Transit: Austin’s collaboration with CapMetro and the successful completion of Project Connect is critical to our city’s future. We must pursue the most comprehensive transit plans possible that connect North Austin to the rest of our city, and work consistently to increase the effectiveness of our current transit offerings.

    Oppose Highway Expansion: To build a more equitable and environmentally-sound future in Austin, we cannot keep letting TxDOT aggressively expand highways. Our community has been continually denied the right to vote on highway expansion, and we must re-assert our right to decide our own built environment. I commit to standing against any form of I-35 Expansion.

  • Clean Energy: Austin Energy must end its relationship with the Fayette Power Plant and its nonrenewable coal energy, and urgently move towards making all of our city-owned power renewable.

    Consistent Water Service: Disruptions to our water supply are unacceptable. We must continue to invest in sustainable water supplies that keep pace with Austin’s growth, as well as ensure that Austin Water is operating with the highest level of efficiency and service possible.

    Energy Preparedness: Climate change has already occurred in Austin, and we can no longer treat extreme weather as a rare occurrence. We must invest in preparedness for all climate emergencies, as well as ensure that Austin Energy is also operating with the highest level of efficiency and community service possible.

    Emergency Communications: The City of Austin has continually struggled to adequately communicate with Austinites in moments of emergency. As the effects of climate change continue to impact Austin, this must be urgently improved.

  • Active Phone Lines: If elected, I commit to having an office phone staffed every business day. Constituents deserve to have their input and concerns heard directly.

    Consistent Town Halls: It’s extremely important that I get input from District 7 residents consistently and in-person. Town halls, coffee meetups, and shared lunches are great ways to routinely accomplish this.

  • BIPOC Communities: As a Black man, I recognize the historical wrongs that have been inflicted upon people of color in Austin by our city government. Our city must proactively recognize and atone for these wrongs through systemic action.

    LGBTQIA+ Support: Austin portrays itself as an oasis in a desert of statewide attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community, but that often isn’t true. As a city we must be proactive in standing strong in support of everyone who is having their rights attacked.

    Elderly: District 7 residents deserve the right to live safely, independently, and comfortably regardless of their age. Elderly community members should be empowered to choose how they live as they age.

    People With Disabilities: No disability should inhibit one’s right to be included in all aspects of District 7’s community. Our city must continually support opportunities to increase accessibility.

    Immigration: The status of someone’s citizenship has no effect on their contribution to our community. We must work to ensure that everyone feels welcomed in Austin, regardless of where they are from.

  • Transparent Executive Hiring: The hiring processes of the most executive and highest-paid city jobs must be community-informed and transparent to the local press, building true credibility with Austinites from the start.

    Voting Rights: We must do everything in our power to protect the voting rights of all Austinites, especially our most vulnerable populations, as they are continually under attack by the State of Texas government.

    Board and Commission Representation: Our citizen boards and commissions must reflect what Austin actually looks like. Women, LGBTQIA+ people, and people of color have been continually underrepresented in these spaces, and this must be actively addressed.

  • Invest in Wellness: Instead of assuming the worst about Austinites, we must instead lead with empathy. Criminalizing our most vulnerable populations has continually backfired. It’s time to take an empathetic, resource-first approach.

    Public Safety Compensation: The compensation of our public safety departments has fallen behind comparable cities across our state, and many employees are struggling to make ends meet in our community. We must ensure that these critical roles are compensated at a rate that attracts new talent, while retaining those who are already doing great work in our community.

  • Employment Stability: Our city must support and invest in consistent, living wage opportunities for artists. Our once-thriving artistic culture is fading while we fail to do so.

    Support Small Businesses: The venues, art galleries, restaurants, stores, and many other businesses that support Austin artists must be supported in turn. Starting and supporting a small business in Austin is much more difficult than it needs to be.